Laminar Flow Cabinet
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99.99% efficiency capture of 0.3 micron particulate matter – complete product protection

Anti-microbial epoxy coated external finish to prevent corrosion and enhance external cleaning

All stainless steel internals with smooth radius corners for easy and effective cleaning
Air enters the cabinet from the top of the clean bench via a pre-filter with an arrestance of 92%. This filter traps larger particles to prolong the life of the HEPA filter and to protect the fan.
Air then passes evenly through the HEPA / ULPA filter resulting in a unidirectional flow of contaminant-free air across the work zone. All airborne contaminants emanating from products within the work zone is flushed away by this process.
The airflow velocity of about 0.45 m/s ensures that there is a sufficient number of air changes within the enclosed area of the bench to maintain the air quality levels.
The purified air travels across the work zone in a vertical or horizontal direction depending on the design specified by the client. The air then exits through the front of the cabinet and in so doing no contamination can enter the workspace.

Laminar flow cabinets are essentially enclosed laboratory spaces where HEPA quality air is required and where pollutants may not contaminate the product in the workspace.
It is important to note that Laminar Flow benches are used in applications where the product must be protected and not the operator. Harmful or pathogenic product must never be used in Laminar Flow benches.
Laminar flow cabinets are essentially enclosed laboratory spaces where HEPA quality air is required and where pollutants may not contaminate the product in the workspace.
It is important to note that Laminar Flow benches are used in applications where the product must be protected and not the operator. Harmful or pathogenic product must never be used in Laminar Flow benches.


Each and every HEPA filter is factory tested to EN 1822:2009 and ISO 29463 standards without exception. The entire filter is scanned using a traversing CNC probe across the filter face to search for leaks and to measure filter efficiency in accordance with global standards.
The standard dictates that a mandatory test report has to be issued which depicts the following minimum information:
- Date of test
- Filter size
- Test airflow rate
- Differential pressure at test airflow rate
- Local and overall efficiency at most penetrating particle size (mpps)
- Filter serial number
The most technologically advanced 5 axis servo driven minipleat machine with 2500 sets of the program automatically compensates for different filter media.
Variable pleat depth adjusted by touch screen PLC system. Client and raw material software input for 100% traceability.
The downflow ULPA filter provides clean air to the work zone in a gentle unidirectional manner whilst the exhaust filter traps biohazard particles from the work zone in the laboratory area.